Iguazú spent his free time in the library reading about cooking, he's so dedicated to his skill that he didn't seem to be aware of what is going on around him. To clarify, the one who lost the fight wasn't Atuel, if you're wondering.
Speaking of Atuel, he reached level 10 on the athletic skill. He didn't have the wish to max it which seemed to be the norm for this family.
He also had a chat with his mother about the rumors of her association with the town mafia. Julie assured him that she was just an old school thief and that when she reaches the top of her career she will return the lost glory to the thieves guild.
He was oddly okay with that.
Donating money to undermine different charities was one way of restoring that glory, I suppose.
Her youngest son liked to undermine her undermining, donating money to the same charities. The sims in Riverview thought he was an angel.
Iguazú is the first sim in a long time that had the chain of wishes to donate money, reaching the one that is worth 5k lifetime points.
And what about the other member of the house? Well, Cooper was living the good life.
At this stage of the challenge, the only requirement that he had yet to fulfill was his lifetime wish, so his time was divided between emergency calls, having fun in the backyard and being a lovely dopey partner to Julie. Both of them gained the eternally faithful reputation. So cute!
He also rescued his coworker from a fire in her own house... For some reason this seemed funny to me when I took this screenshot. (It was like 3 a.m. don't judge me.)
I don't think I mentioned it before but Atuel inherited the hidden traits from his parents, Immune to Fire from Cooper and Burglar from Julie. Another reason why I would have liked him to be the heir, since Iguazú doesn't have any of those traits.
Julie maxed the cooking skill (she never wished for this either) and her career the same day, which means that she also completed her lifetime wish. I took the screenshot of her maxing the career but not of her completing her LTW of becoming a Master Thief. 😅
She went to sleep knowing that her job on the guild was done and retired the next day in the middle of her bedroom. Julie was past 80 at this point and wanted to spent her last days enjoying her family.
Who also reached level 10 of cooking without wishing for it was Iguazú.
He still doesn't care about his surroundings while he's absorbed in his books, this time the fight was happening in his house between his mother and his classmate.
Julie beat the teen and right away she scared him. This is why she retired, to enjoy her evil trait in her last days of life.
Then the game confused who was the good sim and who was the bad one because this was Iguazú reaction to his mother beating his schoolmate.
Later that night, Iguazú left behind his teen days. Something strange that happened with him was that he never has a Prom. His last trait is schmoozer to add to heavy sleeper, good, neat and natural cook, his lifetime wish is Celebrated Five Star Cheff.
I gave him a beard to differentiate him from Cooper since he's almost a clone.
He was selected Valedictorian but his classmates didn't voted him for anything so he only got one ribbon at his graduation.
The family celebrated with a free meal at the bistro courtesy of Cooper's lifetime reward and Iguazú took advantage of the moment to join the culinary career.
The day Cooper turned 90 he still needed to rescue 4 more sims to complete his lifetime wish so I was ready for plan B, said plan consisted of changing it to Swimming in Cash, for that I had saved 70k lifetime points to buy Change Lifetime Wish and two Inheritance rewards, but then the game did something really cool.
The relief I felt was immense. Cooper had four houses to help, he rescued one sim in the first house and three on the second and completed his lifetime wish.
Sadly, a few days later, Grim came for Julie. She was playing gnubb with Iguazú when it happened.
I was really sad to see her go, she was my favorite sim in this household. She accepted Grim's hand without problem. At 95 she had lived a long and fulfilled life.
Cooper was working when the news caught him off guard. The sim waiting to be rescued was not very sympathetic to his pain.
The next day, Atuel maxed the Military Career, completing the house requirements. It was a bittersweet moment for him with the lost of her mother so fresh in his mind.
Iguazú had already bought his two unique rewards, Speedy Cleaner and the Motive Mobile and owned the EverFresh Delights Supermarket, so it was time for another move. First Cooper and Atuel moved to a little house in the other side of town.
And then Iguazú left his house childhood to move to a new world.
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Iguazú |
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Atúel |
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Julie |
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Cooper |
House 2 Summary
Skills: Athletic and Cooking
Skills: Supermaxed Cooking, Supermaxed Handiness, 10 Athletic.
Traits: Brave, Daredevil, Handy, Neurotic, Technophobe.
Career: Firefighter
LTW: Firefighter Super Hero
NPC: Burglar
Skills: Supermaxed Athletic, 10 Cooking.
Traits: Unlucky, Kleptomaniac, Evil, Athletic.
Career: Criminal (Thief)
LTW: Become a Master Thief
Skills: 10 Athletic, 10 Handiness.
Traits: Excitable, Friendly, Athletic, Ambitious, Workaholic.
Career: Military
LTW: Become an Astronaut
Iguazú (Heir)
Skills: 10 Cooking, 8 Athletic
Traits: Heavy Sleeper, Good, Neat, Natural Cook, Schmoozer
Career: Culinary - to finish in the next house
LTW: Celebrated Five-Star Cheff
Building/Property: EverFresh Delights Supermarket
Unique Rewards: Speedy Cleaner, Motibe Mobile
I'm doing SimNaNo
Words: 892 (I'm not counting the house summary)
Pictures: 27
RIP what a sweet couple that was
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