
Family Tree (spoilers)

House 1 summary
Skill: Handiness

Cooper (founder)
Traits: Brave, Daredevil, Handy, Neurotic, Technophobe
Career: Firefighter - to complete in the next house
LTW:  Firefighter Super Hero - to complete in the next house 
Building/property: Hogan's Deep Fried Diner
Unique rewards: Discount Diner - Inheritance

House 2 Summary
Skills: Athletic and Cooking.

Skills: Supermaxed Cooking, Supermaxed Handiness, 10 Athletic.
Traits: Brave, Daredevil, Handy, Neurotic, Technophobe.
Career: Firefighter
LTW: Firefighter Super Hero

NPC: Burglar
Skills: Supermaxed Athletic, 10 Cooking.
Traits: Unlucky, Kleptomaniac, Evil, Athletic.
Career: Criminal (Thief)
LTW: Become a Master Thief

Skills: 10 Athletic, 10 Handiness.
Traits: Excitable, Friendly, Athletic, Ambitious, Workaholic.
Career: Military
LTW: Become an Astronaut

Iguazú (Heir)
Skills: 10 Cooking, 8 Athletic.
Traits: Heavy Sleeper, Good, Neat, Natural Cook, Schmoozer
Career: Culinary - to finish in the next house.
LTW: Celebrated Five-Star Cheff
Building/Property: EverFresh Delights Supermarket
Unique Rewards: Speedy Cleaner, Motibe Mobile

House 3 Summary
Skill: Logic

Skills: 10 Cooking, 10 Athletic, 10 Logic.
Traits: Heavy Sleeper, Good, Neat, Natural Cook, Schmoozer
Career: Culinary - to finish in the next house
LTW: Celebrated Five-Star Cheff

NPC: Firefighter
Skills: 10 Logic, 10 Athletic, 10 Handiness.
Traits: Great Kisser, Artistic, Clumsy.
Career: Ghost Hunter
LTW: Paranormal Profiteer

Skills: Supermaxed Logic, 4 Athletic, 3 Cooking.
Traits: Genius, Friendly, Computer Whiz, Insane, Lucky.
Career: Bookstore Clerk
LTW: Chess Legend

Paraná (Heir)
Skills: 10 Logic, 7 Handiness, 1 Athletic.
Traits: Genius, Loves the Outdoors, Over-Emotional, No Sense of Humor, Virtuoso
Career: Music - to start in the next house.
LTW: Hit Movie Composer
Building/Property: Divisadero Budget Books
Unique Rewards: Complimentary Entertainment, Collection Helper.

House 4 Summary
Skill: Guitar

Skills: 10 Guitar, 10 Logic, Supermaxed Handiness, 5 Athletic, 7 Cooking.
Traits: Genius, Loves the Outdoors, Over-Emotional, No Sense of Humor, Virtuoso.
Career: Music - Symphony
LTW: Hit Movie Composer

NPC: Pizza Delivery Boy
Skills: Supermaxed Guitar / Completed Gem Collector and Metal Collector.
Traits: Pizza Appreciator
Career: Music - Rock
LTW: Rock Star

Kilka (Invisible Friend)
Skills: 10 guitar, Supermaxed Athletic.
Traits: Insane, Can't Stand Art, Frugal, Genius, Vegetarian.
Career: Medical
LTW: Become a Superstar Athlete

Skills: 10 Guitar, 10 Logic, 2 Athletic.
Traits: Virtuoso, Friendly, Ambitious, Athletic, Dislike Children
Career: Professional Sports
LTW: World Renowned Surgeon

Pelque (Heir)
Skills: 10 Guitar, 10 Logic, 3 Cooking, 1 Athletic.
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Virtuoso, Good Sense of Humor, Nurturing, Charismatic.
Career: Education - level 8
LTW: Golden Tongue, Golden Finger
Building/Property: Hidden Springs Day Spa
Unique Rewards: Bookshop Bargainer, Moodlet Manager.

House 5 Summary
Skill: Charisma

Skills: Supermaxed Charisma, 10 Guitar, 10 Logic, 10 Athletic, 10 Handiness, 8 Cooking.
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Virtuoso, Good Sense of Humor, Nurturing, Charismatic.
Career: Education 
LTW: Golden Tongue, Golden Finger

NPC: Maid
Skills: 10 Charisma, 5 Cooking, 4 Athletic, 2 Handiness.
Traits: Flirty, Brave, Neat, Evil, Kleptomaniac, Makes No Messes.
Career: Magician
LTW: Master Magician

 Lileo (Heir)

Skills: 10 Guitar, 10 Logic, 3 Cooking, 1 Athletic.
Traits: Makes No Messes, Easily Impressed, Light Sleeper, Friendly, Charismatic, Social Butterfly.
Career: Political – Level 2.
LTW: Lider of the Free World
Building/Property: Little Corsican Bistro
Unique Rewards: Food Replicator, Fearless Voyager.

House 6 Summary
Skill: Sculpting

Skills: Supermaxed Sculpting, 10 Charisma, 10 Athletic, 6 Logic, 6 Guitar.
Traits: Makes No Messes, Easily Impressed, Light Sleeper, Friendly, Charismatic, Social Butterfly.
Career: Political
LTW: Lider of the Free World
Lashon LaVelle
NPC: Singer
Skills: 10 Sculpting, 4 Charisma, 7 Handiness, 3 Logic.
Traits: Good Sense of Humor, Bookworm, Genius, Handy, Good.
Career: Singer
LTW: Vocal Legend
Skills: 10 Sculpting, 10 Athletic, 3 Charisma, 2 Cooking.
Traits: Athletic, Friendly, Diva, Savvy Sculptor, Natural Born Performer.
Career: Acrobat
LTW: Master Acrobat
Pulmari (Heir)
Skills: Supermaxed Sculpting, 7 Cooking.
Traits: Hates the Outdoors, Loner, Perfectionist, Savvy Sculptor, Bookworm.
Career: Sculptor – Level 9.
LTW: The Culinary Libriarian
Building/Property: C-Ment Shoe Factory
Unique Rewards:  Teleportation Pad, Born to Cook
Paclín (female dog)
Skills: 10 Hunting
Traits: Genius, Independent, Non-Destructive, Adventurous, Playful.

House 7 Summary
Skill: Writing and Social Networking

Skills: Supermaxed Sculpting, Supermaxed writing, 10 Cooking, 7 Social Networking
Traits: Hates the Outdoors, Loner, Perfectionist, Savvy Sculptor, Bookworm.
Career: Sculptor
LTW: The Culinary Libriarian
Bill Copperfield (spouse)
NPC: Policeman
Skills: Supermaxed Writing, 10 Charisma, 10 Athletic, 10 Social Networking, 3 Cooking, 10 Handiness.
Traits:  Brave, Loner, Unflirty, Clumsy, Lucky, Workaholic (Degree).
Career: Journalism
LTW: Star News Anchor
Bermejo (spare)
Skills: Supermaxed Writing, 3 Logic, 1 Athletic
Traits: Neurotic, Couch Patato, Bookworm, Hates the Outdoors, Commitment Issues.
Career: Writer
LTW: Professional Author
Tupungato (Heir)
Skills: Supermaxed Social Networking, 10 Charisma, 8 writing, 8 Handiness, 6 Athletic, 4 Cooking, 2 Sculpting.
Traits: Friendly, Excitable, Ambitious, Charismatic, Artistic, Animal Party (Jock Influence), Vehicle Enthusiast (Degree).
Career: Sport Agent
LTW: Blog Artist
Building/Property: Wilsonoff Community Theatre
Unique Rewards:  ExtraordinAIRe-Inator, Clone Vaucher

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